House of Representatives Unanimously Rejects Schweikert Attempt to Cut Critical Arizona Water, Land Resources

PHOENIX – On a unanimous, bipartisan basis, the U.S. House of Representatives rejected an amendment offered by Rep. David Schweikert that would have slashed Arizona’s critical water resources, wildfire protections, and funds for Indian Health Services. Even member’s of Schweikert’s own party rejected the radical amendment that Schweikert himself described as a “small nuclear weapon”

Schwikert’s amendment (#128) would have cut all funding for the Department of Interior, Environmental Protection Agency, and related sub-agencies by 16%. The amendment was rejected unanimously

“Schweikert is more interested in protecting billionaires and polluters than in protecting Arizona’s air and water,” said Democratic candidate Andrei Cherny. “Thankfully Arizonans don’t have to pay the price for Schweikert’s radical idea this time. The last thing we should be doing is cutting water resources or environmental protections.”

Last month, Andrei Cherny was endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters in his campaign for Arizona’s First Congressional District. Andrei has served on the frontlines of climate work for over two decades beginning with his work more than 25 years ago with then-Vice President Al Gore. Andrei spent the past decade building a company that helps people and businesses fight the climate crisis, enabling millions of Americans to move billions of dollars of deposits out of reach of Big Oil and planting over 100 million trees around the world, including in Phoenix.Andrei Cherny is a former U.S. Navy reserve officer, Arizona Assistant Attorney General, and CEO of a climate change-fighting business. Andrei and his wife Stephanie have two kids and live in Phoenix. To learn more, visit

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