What Voters need to know

Updated: May 20, 2024

As of today, it is 46 days until voters begin voting in this crucial election so we wanted to share some thoughts about this race and the road ahead.

We believe this election will come down to the question of which candidate has a track record that Democrats can trust of fighting for their values and concerns. And when voters look at the field, they’ll see that Andrei is unique in that regard. 

Voters for the July 30th election will begin casting their ballots early and by-mail on July 3rd. 80% of voters are likely to vote by mail, and two thirds of those likely vote-by-mail voters will have cast their ballots before July 23rd.

1. Organizations with the capacity to do cable and broadcast should ensure voters, but especially women over 55, know that Andrei Cherny has spent 25 years fighting for Democratic values and will protect abortion rights in Congress: 

  • Andrei grew up in a struggling, immigrant family that lived paycheck to paycheck and relied on food stamps. 
  • Andrei worked his way to the White House, working for President Clinton. And he wrote President Obama’s historic policy plan for America, “Change We Can Believe In.”
  • After the Supreme Court overturned the right to abortion, Andrei made sure that every employee of his company had access to abortion by covering travel costs and medical care if the woman lived in a state where abortion was banned.

2. Organizations with the capacity to do mail should ensure voters, but especially women over 55, know that Andrei Cherny has spent 25 years fighting for Democratic values and will protect abortion rights in Congress: 

  • Andrei grew up in a struggling, immigrant family that relied on food stamps and knows what it means to live paycheck to paycheck. He worked his way through Harvard holding down three jobs. 
  • Andrei worked his way to the White House, working for President Clinton. And he wrote President Obama’s historic policy plan for America, “Change We Can Believe In.”
  • Andrei founded a company dedicated to fighting climate change. 
  • Recalling his family’s early struggles, Andrei cut his salary as CEO during COVID and he raised his employees’ minimum wage to $25 an hour.
  • After the Supreme Court overturned the right to abortion, Andrei made sure that every employee of his company had access to abortion by covering travel costs and medical care if the woman lived in a state where abortion was banned. 
  • After 9/11, Andrei volunteered for the military, serving as a Navy intelligence officer.

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