Immigration and Securing Our Border

Arizonans know that immigration is our greatest strength, but they also know there is a crisis at our border. As the son of refugees from communism, Andrei believes we should welcome legal immigrants with open arms while restoring the rule of law at the border. 

As a former Arizona border prosecutor, Andrei will fight to make our border secure and stable, while working to stop the flow of fentanyl and illegal drugs – bringing resources and reform to deal with an unprecedented flood of migrants. That means more Border Patrol agents, inspection equipment to root out fentanyl smuggling, and immigration judges and fixing our asylum policy to end “catch and release.”

David Schweikert has been in Washington for more than a decade yet has accomplished nothing to fix our broken immigration system and secure the border for goodr. He has opposed comprehensive immigration reform and fairness for the Dreamers. He voted to cut Border Patrol agents and refused to support the bipartisan deal on border reform because Donald Trump told him not to – even though the Border Patrol itself said it was what it needed most..


As Arizona Assistant Attorney General, Andrei prosecuted the smuggling rings bringing people, drugs, and guns across our border. He prosecuted one of the largest smuggling operations in Arizona history and helped put their leaders behind bars.

Defending Reproductive Rights

Growing our Economy and Rebuilding the Middle Class

Immigration and Securing Our Border

Making Arizona ‘The Solar State’

Preventing Gun Violence

Protecting Social Security and Medicare

Spurring Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Strengthening Democracy

Tackling Housing Costs

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