Protecting Social Security and Medicare

Social Security is a sacred trust that must be defended – and that’s what Andrei will do in Congress. 

David Schweikert has a different approach. Hevoted to cut benefits, raise the retirement age, and privatize Social Security. Hevoted to destroy Medicare as we know it and to force seniors to pay more for their care. Schweikert opposed allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prescription costs with the drug companies, capping insulin costs at $35 per month for seniors, and capping seniors’ out of pocket prescription costs.

In Congress, Andrei will protect Social Security for the long term by lifting the Social Security tax cap for the highest incomes, ensuring the wealthy pay their fair share. And he’ll work to expand Medicare and save seniors money by expanding the ability to negotiate for lower prescription prices to more drugs and covering hearing, dental, and vision care for seniors.


Andrei has a 25 year record of defending Social Security. In the 1990s, he worked with then-President Clinton and other Democratic leaders to advance a plan to use the budget surplus of the time to create a guaranteed Social Security benefit that could never be taken away. 

He wrote Barack Obama’s policy plan, Change We Can Believe In, which offered a better approach than his Republican opponent’s drive to privatize Social Security.

Andrei helped Democrats defeat the effort of President George W. Bush and a Republican-controlled Congress to privatize Social Security. As former Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid’s chief of staff said,

“Andrei Cherny played a key role in beating back Social Security privatization and saving the program.”

Defending Reproductive Rights

Growing our Economy and Rebuilding the Middle Class

Immigration and Securing Our Border

Making Arizona ‘The Solar State’

Preventing Gun Violence

Protecting Social Security and Medicare

Spurring Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Strengthening Democracy

Tackling Housing Costs

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