Spurring Innovation and Entrepreneurship

America must build again. We need a new wave of innovation to power the growth of the 21st century – new electric grids to handle the clean energy and digital economies, new housing so that people can afford their rents and mortgages, new options for higher education, and faster availability of medical cures and treatments. 

Whether it is in solar energy or digital assets or artificial intelligence, the jobs and opportunities of the future will be created, and the rules will be written, somewhere – it’s up to us to decide if we want that to happen in places overseas or right here in America. Without Congressional action, it will be the values of governments of places like China and Russia that will shape the future and we can’t allow that to happen.

Andrei will work to help entrepreneurs do the work that they do best: create new jobs, new companies, and new industries. As an entrepreneur himself, Andrei built a company that created thousands of jobs and helped millions of people have access to fairer banking and investment accounts. He saw that we need clear and updated rules of the road for this new era of digital financial services and assets so that we can expand economic opportunity, update our financial system for the 21st century, and ensure regulatory agencies protect people from catastrophe instead of protecting big corporations from competition. 


Andrei spent most of the past decade building an innovative digital banking company to offer accounts without the usual big bank fees and to give everyday Americans the ability to have affordable access to investments so they could create assets and wealth. His company partnered with others to start the work on a digital blockchain to track carbon removal projects around the world.

Defending Reproductive Rights

Growing our Economy and Rebuilding the Middle Class

Immigration and Securing Our Border

Making Arizona ‘The Solar State’

Preventing Gun Violence

Protecting Social Security and Medicare

Spurring Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Strengthening Democracy

Tackling Housing Costs

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