Tackling Housing Costs

Andrei and his wife Stephanie have lived and raised their two children in Phoenix for the past two decades. But today, too many Arizonans are being battered by rising housing costs.

In order to maintain our high quality of life, we must fix our broken housing market. In the past 10 years, the average new home price has increased by 2.5 times in our area and rents are up 68% in the Phoenix metro area.

That starts with boosting housing supply to bring more homes and apartments onto the market at affordable rates. Arizona is ranked the 4th most undersupplied housing market in America. Andrei will work to boost funding for housing construction, and work with local communities to help them navigate the zoning and regulatory changes needed to surge housing capacity. 

We also need to make it easier for first time homebuyers to afford homes. Our region has a severe shortage of starter homes that work best for young families and those looking to move from renting to owning. Andrei will push for an expanded first time homebuyers tax credit that can make the homebuying process more affordable and help them weather higher mortgage rates.

As Arizona Assistant Attorney General, Andrei went after those committing mortgage fraud, lining their pockets while driving up prices for everyone else. And he prosecuted fraudsters who preyed on older Arizonans struggling to keep up with their home payments.

Defending Reproductive Rights

Growing our Economy and Rebuilding the Middle Class

Immigration and Securing Our Border

Making Arizona ‘The Solar State’

Preventing Gun Violence

Protecting Social Security and Medicare

Spurring Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Strengthening Democracy

Tackling Housing Costs

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